Wednesday, March 12, 2014

George Carlin on Politically Correct Language

George Carlin: 1937 - 2008
Do you find yourself constantly trying to find the "right" words-so as not to accidentally "offend" anyone? Are the extra syllables and prepositional phrases starting to get old? Are you surrounded by people who constantly expect you to try to redefine the language like they do, to suit their own personal and political viewpoints?

The late George Carlin did not like political correctness - words that hide the truth or conceal reality. He preferred to "tell it like it is", and not only entertained us, but educated us.

In this video at the link below, "George Carlin on "Soft Language", he calls us out on our overuse of euphemisms for the purpose of dodging reality. This is especially timely in the wake of the recent attempt by the Girl Scouts to "Ban Bossy".

WARNING: Language and lewdness. NOT FOR KIDS!!

George Carlin on "Soft Language

Further Reading:

Dear Sheryl Sandberg: There Are Far Worse Things Than Being Called Bossy

Sheryl Sandberg Wrong on "Bossy" Ban

The problem with Political Correctness

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