Monday, October 21, 2013

Some Facts About The Teenage Brain

Why do smart kids do not-so-smart things?

Its in their wiring.

To put it in the simplest terms: a child's frontal lobe-the area of the brain responsible for reasoning and logic- is not fully developed until the early 20's, which means that until that time, YOU are the child's frontal lobe.

I found a brief explanation on from psychologist Dr. Linda Sapadin, PhD:

"Every parent’s worst nightmare: Smart kids doing stupid things. Responsible kids daring each other to be irresponsible. Insightful kids displaying not an iota of insight. What causes such maddening teenage behavior?

The secret lies in the teenage brain. It may seem like an adult brain, even better than an adult brain. For sure, your kids are smarter, faster, stronger and even wiser than you in myriad ways. But if you have any doubt that teenage brains are not adult brains, just think back to your own teen years. Unless you were a very good (scared) kid, you probably took chances you’d never take today."

Read the full article here:

The Teenage Brain: Still Under Construction

Related Articles:

Inside the Teenage Brain (Frontline)

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